This report provides an indicator of the effectiveness of the school in making academic progress with students. Achievement results (PSSA) and growth results (PVAAS) MUST be used together to get a complete picture of student learning.

The Average Gain over Grades (4-8) is reported for the school, as well as relative to the State’s growth. The Average Gain over Grades (4-8) relative to the Growth Standard is the average growth across grades as compared to Pennsylvania’s Growth Standard (0.0). The Average Gain over Grades (4-8) relative to the State is the average growth across grades as compared to the amount of growth across grades for the state of Pennsylvania. The Average Gain over Grades is expressed in Normal Curve Equivalent (NCE) units. The use of NCEs allows PSSA scores in any school year and grade level to be compared across years.

To learn more please visit the PA Value Added Assessment System’s website.